Year 7 Dedication

22nd October 2022, is going to ever remain in the history of Ivory International Schools because of what transpired that day. After a long time of business preparing for this day, it was a success.

The schools had dedication prayers for the 17 pioneer candidate to render them into the hand of the Almighty as they prepare for their UNEB examinations.

In addition, 59 pupils received their First Holy Communion, 4 were initiated into the Catholic Church through baptism, 2 announced their Last Commitment (Mujiji) and 2 were converted from Angelican to Catholic Church.

It was a day decorated with prayers, praise, worship, music and dance not forgetting that it was also an Academic Progress Day for both schools – Kindergarten and Primary.


Rev. Fr. Musaala talking to Year 7 Candidates

Rev. Fr. Anthony Musaala led the colourful mass. 

He encouraged the candidates to be strong and courageous as David who killed the powerful Goliath  with a small stone.

Directors and Head Teacher praying for Year 7

All pupils, staff, and parents joined the special prayer for the candidates.Thanks you our beloved parents for making the day so colourful. View the Photo Album here


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