2022 Election of Student Leaders

Ballot ticking in a basin

On 3rd February 2022, all pupils in primary section bent down to the ballot boxes and voted their leaders for the year 2022. This happened after the School electoral commission announcing posts and calling upon interested learners to apply for the posts in writing.  The electoral commission headed by its chair person Mr. Kawooya Steven carried out the screening of learners who had applied to nominate the eligible ones for the posts. During nomination, discipline, capability, section (day scholar or boarder) and academic level (current class) among others were considered for each post respectively.

Nominations were followed by vigorous campaigns that ran for a whole week where candidates moved class to class and on a general campaign platform, introducing themselves to their voters and laying forward their manifestos. Candidates’ posters were all over the classrooms and along the perimeter wall.

Swearing In

14th February 2022 was swearing in of the newly elected prefects and the out-going ones handed over their badges and the files. This occasion brought in some parents especially parents to the incoming and outing candidates to witness.

At Ivory International schools, election of student leaders is 100% democratic. Candidates are given time to convince their voters to give them votes without bribing them, and the voters are also allowed to vote leaders of their own choices, And when the one-year term is completed, the incumbent has to handover the mantle.


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Read about Student leadership at Ivory International Schools.


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