The Inter-house Swimming Gala Rocked

During extramural activities, Ivory International School aims at helping learners discover and develop their God-given talents.

On Tuesday 13th August 2024, we had swimming competitions among the four swimming houses i.e. Alligators, Dolphins, Marine Sharks and the Whales. In this event that took place at Forest Park Buloba, The Dolphins emerged the best with 98 points, followed by Marine Sharks with 96 points, then Whales with 94 points and Alligators in the fourth position with 92 points. The best house (The Dolphins) went away with a big trophy and the second best house (The Marine Sharks) got the other trophy.

Dolphins House celebrating victory

Learners competed in three activities namely; Kickboard race, Free style race and Treading, and three winners from each activity were awarded with Gold, Silver and Bronze medals from the first to the third respectively.

While awarding certificates to all participants, the head teacher Ms. Nabulya Margaret emphasized that the school is after instilling confidence into learners so that they feel free to participate in extra-curricular activities like this one, to discover and later develop their talents.

Kalema Lucas (Whales) was the best in the Kickboard race and won himself a gold medal, Biira Ronnet (Marine Sharks) won a silver medal for being the second in this race, and Ssozi Precious (Alligators) was third so, she was awarded with a bronze medal.

In the Free style race, Mr. Daniel one of the parents awarded a gold medal to Ssengonzi Caleb (Marine Sharks) who was the best in this race. The next was Kusasira Maria (Whales) with a silver medal, and Angelo Desa (Alligators) with a bronze medal.

Ms. Nabaggala Rashidah the head kindergarten section also awarded medals to the best participants in the Treading style where Lwanga Ethan (Dolphins) and Biira Ronnet (Marine Sharks) tied up and both received a Gold medal each, Ndagire Maria a silver medal and Kageya Joram a bronze medal.

This was the second swimming gala following the first one which took place on Wednesday 31st July 2019.

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